My inspiration for this mini-album is found in the title song, "Journey of Faith".
I had been reflecting on the lives of Jesus, Mary and Joseph...especially the nativity story. The Christmas story is so often romanticised...you know, those traditional Christmas cards that show a smiling Holy Family and nice clean animals in a warm and inviting stable....and Christmas songs that speak of peace, calm and the voices of angels?
I wanted to write a song about how human the Holy Family was...their struggles, their difficult moments, their fears, their doubts. I also wanted to write about their faith and trust in God. In the eyes of the world, they were ordinary people, yet God did something extraordinary through them, because of their faith.
What about us? What can God accomplish through us, if we have faith and trust in Him?
This is a little tongue-in-cheek song that is actually a conversation with God.
Who can understand the mind of God? In this journey of faith, we follow, but are not always able to understand God's ways. God's ways sometimes seem illogical...humanly impossible...absolutely crazy even!
I don't know about you, but I ask Him so many questions...and always, if I quieten myself down and really listen, I can hear Him answer. My questions are not always answered (or not immediately anyway), but it is enough, when I hear this assuring answer, "I love you. Trust me."
3. DO YOU?
We take so many journeys of faith in our lives. Just because it is a path that God has called us to take, does it mean that it will always be smooth sailing and blissful? We all know the answer to that ;)
In those moments of frustration, doubt, hurt, fear...what do we do? Who do we turn to? When the God, who knows our every desire, does not give us what we want, how do we respond?
This is my response...sometimes after some major pouting, raving and ranting... I turn to the word of God.
What does the word of God mean to me? It provides illumination, clarity, comfort, assurance and hope. The Truth can set us free.
This is one of my favourite verses from the bible:
And so, when the going gets tough, do we continue trusting?
This is my emmanuel song. This is my song of encouragement to all.
In our journeys of faith, what is it that allows us to place our faith and trust in God? For me, it is the believe...the conviction that God loves me...that He wants only the best for me...and that He is making this journey with me. I am not alone.
Someone asked me, why I used the word "whisper" in this song....because, like Elijah, this is how I have experienced God so many, many times...like a gentle breeze. A whisper is no less intense than a shout though. And so, my desire to tell others about God, is done in my gentle, quiet way, but the desire is just as deep and intense as a shout.
Okay. This is the only song in this EP that sounds like a `Christmas song'. Haha.
I wanted to write a song that sounds like a typical Christmas song, but with a Singaporean flavour and with a message about the true meaning of Christmas.
This was the most challenging song for me to sing, because I sing emo songs better, but I absolutely love, love it. It makes me happy, happy :)
This is not a song. It is my little prayer and it comes from the bottom of my heart.
When I was recording this, I was not merely singing a song. I was praying it...for all who will listen to my music. Merry christmas. Blessed christmas.